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Play Emoji - Development Series #3

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Play Emoji - Development Series #3

HTML <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>     <link rel="stylesheet" href="playemoji.css">     <meta charset="UTF-8">     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">     <title>Document</title> </head> <body>     <div class="face">         <div class="eyes">             <div class="eye"></div>             <div class="eye"></div>         </div>     </div>     <script>         document.querySelector('body').addEventListener('mousemove', eyeball);         function eyeball()         {             var eye = document.querySelectorAll('.eye');      ...

Why a Discord Bot needs very deep and complex coding??

What is Discord?? Many people who are connected with YouTube and Gaming Industry know What is Discord .Let me tell you, Discord is a platform which allows anyone to create his/her personal server without any kind of charge and one is not supposed to tell Discord the topic of the server. These days, Discord is a very important part of Gaming Industries. Specially for Indian Gaming Creators Discord is the one and only platform to connect with their followers and fans. And now there are a lots of servers of Indian YT Creators like, Dynamo Gaming  , Casetoo  , The RawKnee Games .                           What is Discord Bot?? Discord Bot is a digital Assistant for admins and managers of server and it's also used to make server fun and used to pass the time of any member.There are many kind of Discord Bots.And the number of Discord bots is increasing day by day.There are many Bots with different ability...

The Robotic World

History of robots #ref-menu Jump to navigationJump to search A trumpet-playing  Toyota robot . The  history of  robotics  has its origins in the  ancient world . The modern concept began to be developed with the onset of the  Industrial Revolution , which allowed the use of complex mechanics, and the subsequent introduction of electricity. This made it possible to power machines with small compact motors. In the early 20th century, the notion of a  humanoid  machine was developed. Today, one can envisage human-sized robots with the capacity for near-human thoughts and movement. The first uses of modern robots were in factories as  industrial robots  – simple fixed machines capable of manufacturing tasks which allowed production with less need for human assistance. Digitally controlled  industrial robots  and robots using  artificial intelligence  have been built since the 2000s. ...